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Madhu (Accountant)     28 September 2010

Sales tax intelligence raid

There was a raid from sales tax intelligence in a show room.They took the physical stock balances and obtained Purchase bills and stock summary of the show-room as on that date.But our company maintains proper accounting and stocks. But , When we went thru the Physical stock taken by sales tax intelligence and our stock ledgers there was a difference of + & - in lot of stock codes. But we maintain proper stocks and accounting.

What we will have to do for the difference, but actually there was no difference in stock. Because of lot of stock codes and stocks available. they would have wrongly counted.

help me.



 3 Replies

SIDHES JENA (CEO- Jena & Company     29 September 2010

If your Books of accounts is maintained properly, duties & taxes paid correctly on time, then nothing to worry about, produce all books of account along with related bills and other documents to them. if they showing a mismatch figure, you should have authenticated documents to prove that figure wrong, if not.... then you are in trouble.........

 that doesn't mean, what is your stock volume, it must have be be according to the A.S

M.V.GIRI (ADVOCATE & TAX CONSULTANT)     02 October 2010

once you have agreed and gave any statement at the time of inspection, it is very difficult to prove that your stock is correct and the officer has taken wrong figures. unless you have written that under protest or subject to verification. If you told that your stock is this much and you have not taken correct figure, it will become afterthought decision. It is not holds good under the Law

Rema (Advocate)     07 November 2010

Dear Friend,

    You have basically committed a big mistake.  It is not the right time to say about it.  As a solution, the following practical steps are suggested.

1.  If you are able to prove that, the consolidated stocks are tallied, (I mean, one brand or other brand of one material), an explanation narrating the entire circumstances with evidences are produced before the Intelligence wing, and if they are satisfied,  there is chance your favour.

2. Please workout the stock and try to re-concil with the actual stock found at the time of inspecton.  The deviation is exactly explained, there is chance ..


All the best,


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