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Fighter   13 April 2017

Second marriage after mutual consent divorce decree

Today I have received my Mutual Consent Divorce HMA 13B divorce decree. 

How many days i should wait before second marriage?

I want to do second marriage as soon as possible. Do i need to compulsory wait for appeal period of 90 days?

What action can be taken againt me if i do marriage in next 30 days? Will it be considered as a criminal offence (bigamy)?

Does high court easily admit appeal against mutual consent divorce?

I am getting mixed response. Some people are saying go ahead and do marriage, some are saying you need to wait for 90 days period.

I want to understand all legal complications.

 2 Replies

Sachin (N.A)     13 April 2017

If your ex wife has appeared in person at second motion of divorce. She cannot claim that consent for divorce was taken by force. Hence, there is no appeal period in mutual consent divorce and you can remarry immediately after recieving divorce decree.

Mukesh sharma (job )     13 April 2017

Hello if you getting mutual consent divorce than thereis no bounding to wait till 90 days for appeal in court so you marry after recieved your mutual consent decree from court 


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