Dear Sir,
A FIR was logged by the wife(1st party) of my friend(2nd party) against him u/s 498a/406/506/34 of IPC and the name of the acussed given by her is :- My friend +Father+Mother+Sister. After a long trail the Ist class judicial magistrate pronounced his decission on dtd. 04/07/2011 and all the accused qcquitted from the charge framed against them.
On 22/10/2011, the Ist party filed an appeal in the District & Session court and the session court issue the hearing notice to all the person of 2nd party.
Now my question is:-
1. What is the time limit to file an appeal in the District & Session court because the date of the decission pronounced is 04/07/2011 & appeal filed on dtd. 22/10/2011 and it seems it is time barred case?
2.Whether the 2nd party have to apply for bail or not?
3. What is the further process will be in this case?
4. What action we have to take for safe side for us?
S Kumar on behalf of 2nd party