My friend had been working in a Pvt. Ltd. IT Company for the last few years. He has always been praised for his hard work and his code of conduct in the Company. However, recently, he demanded an increase in salary and benefits provided by the company. The demand was made in writing wherein he criticized company policies mentioning that the salary and benefits provided by his company were low in comparison to the competing firms. Upon submitted the letter, he was given immediate termination from the company. Although, it is written that his dues will be cleared, yet the reason for the termination has not been mentioned in the letter. He has been verbally informed that his demands, the criticizing and the comparison has been considered as rude by the company.
He does not wish to go back to the company. And he doesn't intend to take any legal action against the company. However, he needs an experience letter from the company in order to apply for jobs.
Is there any option available to him through which he can get his experience letter for the years that he has devoted to the company? Will it be advisable to write an apology letter to the company in reference to the letter that he wrote earlier to the company?