i am working with LIC of India since december 2008
we did vocation course which is run by CBSE and LIC. and this course was job oriented . in this course there is certain conditon to get the job and we all did and fullfill that condition. but unfortunitely only some student got the job in year 1997 and remaining student didnt got the job at that time and after that there was ban for new recruitment in LIC and due to this reason we got the job in ther year Dec 2008, but LIC neither gave us seniority benefit nor financial benefit and we bound to start job from the very begning scale and position, but our old fellow who got the job in the year 1997, they got promotion and we are around 11 year back from them.
Kindly guide us can we file case for getting the service benefit because we remaining all students are eligible since 1993 but due to lac of good planning of CBSE and LIC we didnt got the job and we are much junior in position and salary wise from our old fellow
Vikas Vij