Hey Team,
Hope you are doing well !
My Question is that !
My father and mother alive and his (ajay)eldfer son is death, 2014 in age was 48years old. he Govt emploed in UP.as JEE in civil enginer department. He is doing to since about 20 years..(joining date 1994)
so, my father age 70+ and mother is age 55+ and his wife age 40+ and a son 19+(got govt job. on father).
Question= is his pension amonut divide in (or get) his mother /father and wife or only wife.. if yes, how much.%?
and (late ajay)his wife do a case for a the property(house my father has owner and registerd regstre. and he is alive and it is transfereed to me by "gifit deed" before her case.)
Base of case : she make a paper and in it has written by handwriting by another person, we do not know. and they get sign material relative and my father mother.(my father do not know where it is come.)and it has no stump, no thumb impression, no regter, and some cutting on hand writing.
one case is dismissed by court, and she apeal on it agin.
so , let me know waht's happen. ? about the pension and peoperty.