if my wife and her family make any complain or F.I.R. against me for dowry or something else from U.P . is there any way that i can take stay from delhi. or i have to go U.P for take stay order from court to prevent me and my family by police.
SWEET.TALK10 (senior technician) 01 June 2011
if my wife and her family make any complain or F.I.R. against me for dowry or something else from U.P . is there any way that i can take stay from delhi. or i have to go U.P for take stay order from court to prevent me and my family by police.
Sanjeev (Lawyer) 02 June 2011
Once FIR is registered you will need to take stay of arrest from Allahabad High court this is persuant to filing a criminal writ petition. The Delhi AB wont work.
Sanjeev (Lawyer) 02 June 2011
Allahabad HC will send the case for Mediation granting Stay of Arrest - the other side would be called for Mediation and the mediators will try both of you to arrive at a settlement- either joining together or seperation with Alimony. If the case is settled there the case will be quashed.