Tenant has been possessing property since 1.5.2011. A new agreement being drawn for one year after expiry of agreement period every year.The last agreement was for a period of 11 months from 1.5.2015 to 31.3.2016. The ownr staying abroad wants to end the tenancy and he wants to keep the property for his own use. The tenant is not in a mood to vacate. Apprehending disconnection of electricity and water supply w.e.f 1.4.2016 he files a civil suit for permanent as well as ad-interim injunction.
The agreement signed by both parties stipulate "The tenancy is for fixed term of 11 months from 1st May 2015 to 31st March 2016 which in no case will be extended further. The tenant has to vacate possession on 31.3.2016 without any further extension".
Kindly suggest the action need to be taken.