SUKHBEER 26 August 2016
Kumar Doab (FIN) 26 August 2016
They did not accept your resignation!
Did they collect the copy of resignation from you?
Did they termiante you in writing?
SUKHBEER 26 August 2016
SUKHBEER 27 August 2016
kameswarao S (Head HR) 27 August 2016
Sukhbeer - you have signed on all the papers like receipt of your dues ie., full and final settlment amount & a letter asking to relieve me immediately, that is the end of your association with that company. After signing of all these papers you are asking for help.
One clarification required is that your salary is credited to bank or they used to pay cash is so they used to take your signature on any voucher or wage register, if you are able to clarify then some thing can be done. If I am not wrong they might have obtained signature from you for the salary / disbursement of full & final settlement.
If you are confident of not signing & any record related to your termination etc., are available by chance then you can approach a legal consultant and take it forward. However I opine that chances are very very minimal.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 27 August 2016
This is offence, coercion,intimidation,fraud etc etc...........
Seasoned Employe's/Trade Union leaders and a counsel well versed with criminal, civil,labor laws woud know how to handle such situation.
Aproach them.
Have confidence that your counsels can handle such indivisuals and establishments.
SUKHBEER 27 August 2016