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Shambasiv (n/a)     24 January 2008

The Central Wakf Counci

The Central Wakf Council as a Statutory Body was established in December, 1964 by the Government of India under the provision of Section 8A of Wakf Act, 1954 (now read as sub section 1 of the Section 9 of the Wakf Act, 1995) for the purpose of advising it on matters pertaining to working of the State Wakf Boards and proper administration of the Wakfs in the country. The Council consists of Chairperson, who is the Union Minister Incharge of Wakfs and such other members not exceeding 20 in numbers appointed by Government of India as stipulated in the Act. The Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Council. The Council office at present works at Jamnagar House, New Delhi.

In terms of Section 10(1) of the Wakf Act, 1995, the Council derives its income from the contribution received by it from the various State Wakf Boards @ 1% (one per cent) of the net income of the Wakfs. All administrative and other expenses of the Council are met out of from this income.


Wakf is a permanent dedication of movable or immovable properties for religious, pious or charitable purposes as recognized by Muslim Law. The Wakf Institutions deal with the religious, social and economic life of Muslims. They are not only supporting Mosques, Dargah etc. But many of them support Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Musafirkhanas which are meant for social welfare.

Administration of Wakf

The Central Government is responsible for the implementation of the Wakf Act. It has been taking up issues of common concern to promote the interests of Wakfs in the country. The Wakf Act, 1954 had provisions for survey of Wakfs, constitution of Central Wakf Council and State Wakf Boards etc. For better interpretation of the provision of the Act keeping in view the objective of the legislation, the Wakf Act, 1954 was amended many times. Finally a comprehensive and land mark legislation i.e. Wakf Act, 1995 was enacted by the Government of India in November, 1995, which became effective from 01.01.1996. In contrast to the previous Act, this Act is applicable throughout the country except for Jammu & Kashmir and Dargah Khwaja Saheb, Ajmer.

Functioning of the Central Wakf Council

Central Wakf Council normally meets twice in a year. However, the Committees of the Council, which consist of its Members meet as often as possible to transact business regarding the monitoring of the programmes of the Council, administrative and financial matters, implementation of the scheme for the Development of Urban Wakf Properties and Educational schemes of the Council. The Committees also discharge the functions entrusted to by the Council from time to time.

The main function of the Central Wakf Council is to advise the Government of India on matters concerning the working of Wakf Boards and the due administration of Wakfs in the country. Beside that the important issues affecting the community especially those pertaining to religious matters/Islamic affairs like administration of Mosques, Dargahs and proper management of properties are also considered by the Council/its Committees. Whenever matters of general interest regarding management of Wakfs in State are to be taken up at the level of the Central Government the same are generally referred to the Central Wakf Council.

Development Activities

A) Development of Urban Wakf Properties

With a view to protect vacant Wakf land from encroachers and to develop it on commercial lines for generating more income in an order to widen welfare activities, Central Wakf Council has been implementing this scheme since 1974-75 with yearly grant-in-aid from the Central Government. Under the Scheme, loan is extended to various Wakf Institutions in the Country for taking up economically viable buildings on the Wakf land such as commercial complex, marriage halls, hospitals, cold storage etc. For this, the Central Government has released a total grant-in-aid amounting to Rs. 30crores 26.36 laks only between September 1974 to March, 2007, and in turn the Central Wakf Council has extended loan to 119 projects approved by the Council as well as by the Government of India. Out of these 119 projects 75 projects have been completed in all respect and are yielding income. The loan amount is repaid to the Council by the loanee institutions in easy instalments and the amount thus received back forms a Revolving Fund, which is again utilized for giving loans up to Rs. 20 lakhs to the Minor Development Projects on Wakf properties. From this Fund, the Council had released a sum of Rs. 4 crores 64.89 lakhs to 87 projects up to 31.3.2007 out of which 66 projects have been completed.

Therefore, with the total grant-in-aid of Rs.30 crores 26.36 lakhs received by the Council, it has been able to get 141 projects completed and the work on the remaining sites is in progress. This has received appreciation of all sections of the society describing it a magic of management. The grant-in-aid received by The Central Wakf Council is forwarded to the loanee Wakf in the form of interest free loans for the Development of Urban Wakf Properties while the Council bears the entire expenditure on the staff working in the Scheme as well as other expenses on paper, postage etc. Against this service rendered by the Council, it puts two conditions on the loanee Wakf institutions i.e.
(i) they would pay 6% donation on the outstanding loan to the Education Fund for the Educational Scheme of the Council meant for educational upliftment of the poor Muslims;
(ii) after the repayment of the loan, they would spend 40% of their enhanced income on the education of the Muslims particularly on the technical educations.

B) Educational Scheme

The 6% donation received from loanee Wakfs on the outstanding , as well as the interest accrued on the Bank deposits of the Revolving Fund form the Education Fund of the Council. This Fund is utilised for implementing the following programmes;
i) Scholarship to the poor student pursuing Technical/Professional Degree Courses @ Rs. 8,000/- per annum, during the course period.
ii) Adhoc grant to poor and needy students of General degree courses @ Rs. 3,500/-
iii) Matching Grant to the State Wakf Boards for providing scholarship in their respective States to the Higher Secondary, Madarsa students and to the students undergoingTechnical/Professional Diploma Courses.
iv) Grant for the establishment of I.T.Is. in the Muslim concentrated areas.
v) Financial assistance to Voluntary Organizations for Vocational Training Centres.

vi) Financial assistance to Libraries for developing Book Bank.
Up to March 31, 2007, a total of 11,803 scholarships have been issued by the Council to the students of Technical Degree courses like MBBS, BUMS, BAMS, B.Tech and B.Sc. (Ag) etc. Similarly in 4795 cases ΓÇ£Ad-hocΓÇ¥ grant have been given under the scheme of Ad-hoc Grant to Poor and Needy Students. 604 Voluntary Organisations/Technical Institutes have been assisted for technical training/vocational training. Under the scheme for setting of I.T.Is., up to March 31, 2007 the Central Wakf Council has approved eleven I.T.Is. in the Muslim concentrated areas.

 1 Replies

P.V.Poornima (Lawyer)     14 March 2008

Thanks for the vital information

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