In spite of your fear, do what you have to do.
Failure is a word I don't accept.
Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
geeta (chief accountant) 26 March 2011
In spite of your fear, do what you have to do.
Failure is a word I don't accept.
Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy) 27 March 2011
rajendra banwat (tax consultant) 27 March 2011
Hello GeeYour thoughts if the day;s most important factor is that thye rae always thought provoking and always on bright side of the life.
It gives real inner happiness after understanding their its real meaning
Keep it up