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Amol (Citizen of India)     14 April 2010

Translation for case papers in domestic Violence

Hello Learned friends,

Case is as follows:-


28nov wife booked for 107 already police complaint filed totaling 8 assaults.

14-dec I am booked by my 14 month old child under crpc 125

24-feb I am booked under Domestic Violence.


Help Required:-

crpc-125 Chief Judicial magistrate asked me to pay for translations as the petitioner refused to provide me. I agreed.

Domestic Violence:- I need translations once again but don't wish to pay for it as I feel the defendent Should be asked to pay for translations just because he doesn't know the language of the court. 

Is my demand correct? Is there some citiation for this? 

Any urgent help would be appreciated. Cases are in Gujarat Vadodara.

 6 Replies

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     15 April 2010

you are in guj so the all document should be in gujarati,eng or hindi other than you have to translat any of the language above.

1 Like

Amol (Citizen of India)     15 April 2010

The problem is all documents are in gujarati and I can't read write or understand gujarati.

I want the documents in English

Amol (Citizen of India)     15 April 2010


Could someone shed some light on this I have a date on saturday.

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     15 April 2010

go for local advocate for translation or if you want any legal help ,  my anti in baroda practicing advocate ,you can contact.

aruntrivedi (lawyer)     16 April 2010

pl send me papers if they are in gujarati or hindi I will translate same in english and shall send per email imdtly else send me pdf or scaned files of originals i will translate and sent either per email or per courier service to you. Later you can send my charges does not matter. I am ready to help you

aruntrivedi (lawyer)     16 April 2010

look at following link on this portal

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