What an entertainment ! !
What a colorful lot our MPs are! Criminals,
dimwits, cowards, dangerous clowns, idiots,
power hungry, money hungry, fame hungry….
My my.. pure democracy!
We Indians, the common public, should be
ashamed of ourselves for electing such worthless
dumb wits.
Country is caught in the tight grip of worst inflation,
it has ever faced in it’s history. Relentless price hike, poverty, hunger deaths, farmers’ suicides..the list is endless. But the government is not at all worried aboutsuch menial things.
Of course Going ahead with USA on nuke deal is
more important.The purpose of the parliament meet was a debate and trust voting on nuke deal. But what happened..
Almost all the MP’s didn’t and still dont know what this nuke deal talks about. All they cared about was their own personal gains and benefits. Fantastic!
The entire debate went on with abusing each other.What a shame!
Mr. Speaker; This man came to the power only
because of his party. But, he didn’t see the need to resign his post when his party withdrew it’s support to the govt. Well..why should he..considering his age, he cant afford to wait for another glorified powerful post. Ethics , Party, Decency, ideologies everything can go to hell.
‘Oh old man..thy name is vanity’!
Shame on you Mr. Speaker!
Mr. Advani; He needs to brush up his opposition
skills a lot. Everyone is fed up with congress
and it’s poor governance. But this man doesn’t
know how to encash people’s frustration and gain
their trust. In a hindu majority country, why this party finds it hard to find a strong foot hold. The problem is not with the party or it’s ideologies. Butwith it’s lack of charismatic powerful leaders. Modi looks like a suitable one. Some might object on reading this..
But..when a muslim political party able to walk ,
talk and demand things based on it’s religious ideologies, why not a Hindu one?
Owaisi; This MP and his speech in parliament
regarding trust voting is the perfect example
for religion based politics.
Omar Abdullah’s speech was excellent.
Rahul Gandhi; Prince indeed! Such a softy.
He is 38 ..for god’s sake! He ended up flat on his face in his first attempt speech. HE lacked the aggression, the power, the pull..in short, the leadership quality. When given a mere 10 minutesat a crucial time, it’s always wiser to talk about the heart of the matter or issue. Catching listener’s attention is the basic trick in politics and boring them with an equally boring story is dumb. Even princes’ r expected to rake their own brains and intelligence at sometimes or other. But I should say that in his second attempt, he did fairly well.
Mr. Prime Minister; What is his personal interest
in this Nuke deal is what every citizen of India
is wondering about. Well…this became an ego issue for him after the spat with Lefts. But going at it with a vengeance is uncalled for..especially when the country is in the worst possible situation..with inflation, high prices, fuel shortage, poverty and all.
What is the hurry? ?
He conveniently forgets that his govt. is a coalition government. Lefts had every right to ask for the details. In his speech, PM grumbled about how Lefts expected him to tell them every minute details of this nuke deal. He even accused them of treating him like a bonded slave. Well..He is THE bonded slave.
He is not people’s PM. He is his party’s ‘made out’ PM. Is’nt he a bonded slave to his party supremo? Could he take any decisions on his own? He is a puppet on string and he does well know it. His govt is a coalition govt he should answer his aliies’ questions on important issues and should clear their doubts. It’s his duty..slavery or not.
But what he did do?
He refused to discuss the nuke deal on a national level debate. He refused to discuss some particular controversial clauses in that deal. He refused tobrief the nation on what this nuke deal is all about.
He treated us, the people of India as dimwits.
He put the entire nation under immense pressure..he gambled on our country’s safety, economy to attain his own goal. Is this the right way to act as the honourable prime minister? He picked the worst time possible to gamble becz..election is around the corner. He knows very well if he doesn’t push this nuke issue now, he wont enjoy the personal glory of creating some history.
He claims he is one Mr. pure..Mr.Clean. Sheer audacity ! !
What made him go for the confidence motion in
parliament? He knew he can always buy the MPs.
What if he personally didn’t go and offer the money..
He was the reason behind all this horse trading.
He initiated all the shameful , unethical, immoral acts and he should take the responsibility for getting all this publicized to the whole world. A responsible prime minister would have tried his utmost to convincehis allies and if he failed in that.. he would have waited for the election to win in majority to carryon his futuristic plans.
Did he do that?
I wonder how he claims himself as Mr. Clean...
He opened the flood gates of corruption and
created a new history , that India has never ever had the misfortune to endure.
Maybe according to 'his'economic strategy, the ways and means are immaterial as long as u achieve the goal..
Thanks Mr. oh-so-good economist!!
Thanks a lot Mr. Prime minister!!.
Thanks for making India a ‘laughing stock’...