If both you and your husband have agreed for mutual consent divorce in US ansd it ws granted in US and you borth willingly submitted yoursleves to US court's Jurisdiction and if it is a competent court then the Divorce granted by US court is valid in India. You don't need to do anythingfurther to make it valid in india. Amicably through mutual consnet divorce you've parted ways. That's the endof it.
If both of your submiting to the U'S court Jurisdiction and it is by way o fMutual consent and you are ending it amicably then the,
divorce grnated by a US court in California i svalid in India.The US court must be competent to granrt divorce.
1. You stated marriage ws performed in Bangalore as per Hindu rtes.In view of this, the judgment passed by Hon’ble Madras High Court in "Bhashyam Ramesh @ Rajagopalan vs R.Saroja @ K.K.Saroja on 24 February, 2012" stated the rule that "Thus, it is clear that only that Court will be a Court of competent jurisdiction which the Act or the law under which the parties are married recognises as a Court of competent jurisdiction to entertain the matrimonial dispute. Any other Court should be held to be a Court without jurisdiction unless both parties voluntarily and unconditionally subject themselves to the jurisdiction of that Court.
2. Therefore, based on the judgment above if both, your husband and you accept the divorce of the court in CA, then the divorce is valid and no further action is required. In Indian context, further judgment of divorce from family court is not required though if the situation demands that both of you would be comfortabletable if divorcet aken US by Mutual consent isvalidinIndia. If you appreciiate this answer please click the thnank yuou buttonon this forum.