Bk 16 December 2022
sahithi reddy 18 December 2022
1. Is the written agreement valid when going for interest?
Yes, it is valid, The duration of a registered sale agreement is three years. The limitation is then extended by the amount of time specified in any negative provision in the agreement, such as a requirement that the buyer registers the property within three months.
The sale agreement's validity is unaffected by the passage of time if full payment is made and no deadline is specified in the contract. The agreement is effective for three years in any other circumstances.
2. What my uncle did is not ethical but is there any way to fight legally to get his land back after paying principal + interest
Legally it cannot be done.
3. In the agreement he agreed to repay at a 24% PA interest rate can it be reduced legally?
It is up to the creditor to lower if he wants to.