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zahida (marketing manager)     26 December 2010

Want to apply for divorce?

I am a Indian citizen married to an USA citizen name Andrew Lee Elmore passport # . Married on 03/14/2010 in India as per religion act that is Nikhah(Islamic Marriage)as he by religion is Muslim from Ahmadiyya committee in Milwaukee WI. his Muslim name is Mohammad Rasheed Qadir


i have only nikhah document with me , his passport copy thats it 

. After the marriage he stayed for 15 days then went back to his country.The meher(As per Islamic Marriage) was 21786/Rs. Even i paid to the kazi for the Nikhah as he said, he need to exchange the dollars to Indian rupees. As i was a widow, my only demand was to give basic requirement to survive and help my children to raise. 

For which he also agreed.Latter when he went back after a few days,he turn as a stranger, stop corresponding with me and biggest amount he had ever send to me was $200.

 As i was also working in a call center in Mumbai so this was an additional help from him which i always appreciated.I was earning $400 per month so there was no problem as of financially. however i spend all my saving when first he travel to India .As i was staying in 1 BHK flat changed and took a bigger flat which also cost me 3 times the rent. at present it is 9500/ RS that is $211 per month which is half my current salary.

when he started to act as a stranger i tried to contact his Ahmadiyya committee in Milwaukee WI.Spoke with the president of the committee Nasrul Ahmed to help me,he then started to gather all the information about him. then when my husband  knew about it, he then tried to contact with me which i have all the prove of his email. he said he is hospitalize and lost his property so he is mentally disturb.

 So i then contacted the president of the committee Nasrul Ahmed and informed him about the same , he said do not believe in him he is for sure lieing as he now had gather all information about him and he also said he did this to so many female's in the past, so i do not need to trust him.  and  apply for divorce.i then said, please let me trust him for once as my culture will never accept me to divorce him. 

As i was a widow married to him and now after a couple of months i took divorce i will be blame for this and i can not take this. So he said ok wait and watch. if i need any help can then contact him in future.

 Then after 3 month he once again contacted me.said sorry and also said he is trying to come back in India and stay for ever with us.First he asked me to leave the job. because he want a house wife , so i did .he then came on 11/12/2010 on tourist visa stayed normal for 1 week then made some call and said the people he sold his property are not giving him money so need to go back. And will come back once it is settle down  with the deal. And ask me to give him the ticket. he said he will change this to dollars and pay his sister the cash as she is arranging for his ticket through her credit card. and once he get his pension on 3/12/03/2010 he will send it to me. when to day i called if he reached safely he said, he will not be coming to India any more.Then i called Tressa the new owner of his flat, she said, all the deal is going smoothly as per the contract between him and they. she said, as per the contract they will be paying him his amount.

This time i figure it out he is using me and using this place as for vacation

 Now i do not have a job , big pending bills to pay . this house rent , children . he left me with no were 

i do not have money to take a lawyer to apply for divorce 

 i want a justice i always forgive him however this time when he knew it, he did this to me and my innocent children i want him to be punish as per the law and give the justice to the innocent after investing 

All i  said is truth i need justice. i want to see he is punish.   

Please help me or else i have only one option, then to committed suicide along with my 4 innocent children . this is not i am scaring this is really i meant because  i have on option,on job, pending bills, the money i borrowed this time was from a money lender on interest.  as he was coming for his pick up drop, see that he is comfort when he start living here with us .

the most important is i have exhausted the security deposited that i paid to the owner as i am staying on the rental house. i will be thrown out of the house if i do not pay him rent.

 As i was not working , and he said he will pay the owner the rent when he comes. so i trusted him 

i had no expensive gift from him in the past or till date. All i said is true can cross check any time 

i want justice ASAP PLEASE  i do not have any thing to survive. and i can not ask any one to help me as they all know that i am married.  He did this in the past one can cross check on this now i come to know he was divorce for 4 times in the past . he ruined the life of the woman . when he comes to know that one is completely depend on him.

this in formation you will get from the Ahmadiyya committee in Milwaukee WI.

 5 Replies

SRISHAILA.DHARANI (Advocate&consultant)     27 December 2010

Dear Sister,

Pls give me the complete details of him , if possible i will find a solution to your probelm. I am srishaila, a human right activist and an advocate from bangalore.I would like to solve your problem.

In order to reduce your problems, first you shift your house from bigger one to a smaller one and then pls send your resume to my mail id, so that i can find some suitable job to you.

srishaila, bangalore, 09741425514,

zahida (marketing manager)     27 December 2010

can i go and speak to the usa consulate ?

SRISHAILA.DHARANI (Advocate&consultant)     27 December 2010

Definetly, pls go and give a petition narrating all these facts

zahida (marketing manager)     27 December 2010

what do i speak to them when i visit them

SRISHAILA.DHARANI (Advocate&consultant)     27 December 2010

you narrate them all the facts , whish has happened along with the necessary documents

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