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Pawan (Others)     30 October 2012

Want to challenge mutual consent divorce


I got divorce ( MCD ) on 14th Sep 2012 ( It is the date of the second motion in MCD ).

Now my wife ( ex- wife ) wants to get back to me and is asking me to challange the MCD and get it cancelled.

Can I actually do that. If yes what are the options. When I can file an appeal against the MCD.

Kindly reply


 6 Replies

rahul (director)     30 October 2012

not possible

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     30 October 2012

If she wants to come back. Get remarried. Why challange the divorce.




Shonee Kapoor

1 Like

stanley (Freedom)     30 October 2012

Remarriage is the only solution as both of youll want to . Why break your head about the MCD what is over is over .

laxman (associate)     30 October 2012

Mr.pawan why do you bother about the MCD. Past is past. Forget of all these nonsense caused by both of you. Simply go to registration office along with two witnesses and get remarry, than go to honeymoon, Advance wish you happy remarried life. Ensure that please don’t do again

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     31 October 2012

go for a registered remarriage and enjoy your married life as hithertofore in a blissful manner. let the past be bygone for ever

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