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Dipangkar (Business)     27 July 2011

Was it HITLAR who gave India it's Independence in 1947 ?

Was it indirectly HITLAR.. who gave India, it's Independence back in 1947,  while Gandhi and his "Ahinsha Param Dharma" enjoyed  the credits for it  ???


Back then, Hitler destroyed the Economies of Britain and France to such an extent that they were no longer able to financially maintain their military forces, and were hence incapable of containing the burgeoning freedom movements in their colonies.


Hence, they left India, where local peoples are starting to revolt against the British.  

"Better save home-world Britain first.."


 10 Replies


No it was not but U.S policies which made UK to provide independence. Britishers get bankrupt with the world war and US don't believe in colonialism

I want you should watch PATRIOT Movie which gives you wider picture how US war of independence comprisngly of peasants, farmers and black laboreres gave downfall to Lord corniwallis who then came to India durind Tipu Regime

Another reason was thta the laborer party gains support in UK. during round table condference n 1931 Gandhiji got the support from the labour party which provide independence to India

vishnu (Software professional)     27 July 2011

Gandhiji is considered as the greatest man world has ever seen.It is quite annoying to see that he is under-estimated

Ms Liberal (others)     27 July 2011

But he forgetten to bring clemency to sahid Bhagat sing in Gandhi-irwin pact and has soft issues with britishers on netaji's issues

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Ms Liberal (others)     27 July 2011

however the role in SA is still memorable and people still love them for bringing down racial discrimination which leds the General smuts to sisgned a resolution in order to reduce the atrocities there


Dear Ms. Liberal,


Party biases had ever played their roles in and outside all the parties. Not only Sardar Bhagat Singh, but also Subhash Chandra Bose could not get due justice and honoured in that sense in which the martyrs of the motherland would have been got. If you go deep to study the history, you can also find the cause of severing two parts of India in East and West and creation of East Pakistan (now Bangla Desh) and West Pakistan (now Pakistan).

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     10 August 2011

Cowardice, shortsightedness, of a few leaders resulted in partition. Those who have gone thru it would know it better than any one else. Elders killing almost the entire clan so that clan is not tormented by the capturers. Mothers jumping into the wells with kids to save their honour. Leaving the dead without performing their last rites.Becoming penniless in a moment and having to start the life again in the mid of life. Male and female converting so that they are let to live. Lucky were those who got loving and caring partners. TAMAS was an attempt to picturise some of it.

Any number of explanations on reasons, political compulsion can not justify and soothe.

The sacrifices made by the concerned and brave were made to waste.

A bad politician, a bad political decision, can create havoc.

Brave and patriots like Netaji are forced into oblivion even today.

Today Anna is trying to enforce lokpal bill on terms that shall give reprieve to common man. Look how desperate is the govt. not to let it happen on the terms since these shall deny freedom to corrupt.

They want to keep escape route, since corrupt in chair do not want to get caught and go to jail.

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Democratic Indian (n/a)     10 August 2011

Originally posted by :Kumar Doab
" Brave and patriots like Netaji are forced into oblivion even today.

Today Anna is trying to enforce lokpal bill on terms that shall give reprieve to common man. Look how desperate is the govt. not to let it happen on the terms since these shall deny freedom to corrupt.

They want to keep escape route, since corrupt in chair do not want to get caught and go to jail.

Yes Netaji and INA were put in backseat and other people were probably proped up as "true" leaders of freedom movement and people of India. Some people are of the opinion that there was a pact with British government to hand over Netaji as a war criminal! For details please refer links at

Soldiers of INA were not absorbed into Indian Army probably because the "rulers" of  "independent" India just like colonial rulers wanted an army of mercenary mentality only and not with any patriotic sentiment. Soldiers of INA were not even recognised as freedom fighters for pension etc. untill they were about to die due to old age in the seventies.

When Constitution was being written for "free" India the most basic freedom, the most basic human right  of free citizens i.e. the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, for which the same political leaders had fought for all through the freedom struggle was forgotten, probably with malafide intentions changed their colours. Founders of American Constitution(on Bill of Rights our Part III is based) were not lunatics or fools to have clearly enumerated RKBA in the 2nd Amendment.

Fortunately some good soul kept this basic human right of RKBA guaranteed under Part III of the Constitution(for details refer Every effort has been made to keep this important fundamental right on which all other rights, freedoms, liberty and democracy depend kept hidden from public knowledge and thoroughly subverted it.

It needs to be noted that Constitution is not an instrument to restrain people but to restrain the government so that it does not become all powerful and dominating but the Indian Constitution was written in a manner so that it has number of loopholes to suite only those in power and claimed it to be the vioce of the people! Do not believe me? Read below:

The scope of the articles in Part III, particularly with respect to the doctrine of due process, was heavily debated by the Constituent Assembly. It was argued that the incorporation of such a clause would hamper so called socialistic legislations and cause procedural difficulties in maintaining order, and therefore it ought to be excluded from the Constitution altogether. The Constituent Assembly in 1948 eventually omitted the phrase "due process" in favour of "procedure established by law". As a result, Article 21, which prevents the encroachment of life or personal liberty by the State except in accordance with the procedure established by law was, until 1978, construed narrowly as being restricted to executive action. Until in 1978, the Supreme Court in the case of Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India extended the protection of Article 21 to legislative action, holding that any law laying down a procedure must be just, fair and reasonable and effectively reading due process into Article 21.

It is pertinent to note that there would have been no Fundamental Rights worth mentioning if Article 21 had been interpreted in its original sense! Such was the gift to us by the framers of Constitution of "free people"!


Also the fountain head of corruption, the doctrine of "pleasure" incorporated into Article 311. What purpose does "doctrine of pleasure" originally created to suite the monarchs have to do in a democracy? Why there is a relationship of give and take of "pleasure" in a democracy? Is it a monarchy or something similar?

What more to say?

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Originally posted by :Kumar Doab




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Cowardice, shortsightedness, of a few leaders resulted in partition. Those who have gone thru it would know it better than any one else. Elders killing almost the entire clan so that clan is not tormented by the capturers. Mothers jumping into the wells with kids to save their honour. Leaving the dead without performing their last rites.Becoming penniless in a moment and having to start the life again in the mid of life. Male and female converting so that they are let to live. Lucky were those who got loving and caring partners. TAMAS was an attempt to picturise some of it.

Any number of explanations on reasons, political compulsion can not justify and soothe.

The sacrifices made by the concerned and brave were made to waste.

A bad politician, a bad political decision, can create havoc.

Brave and patriots like Netaji are forced into oblivion even today.

Today Anna is trying to enforce lokpal bill on terms that shall give reprieve to common man. Look how desperate is the govt. not to let it happen on the terms since these shall deny freedom to corrupt.

They want to keep escape route, since corrupt in chair do not want to get caught and go to jail.


Dear Kumar,


NOT cowardice or shortsightedness of leaders, BUT selfishness of a few leaders resulted in partition.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 September 2011


Selfishness of few leaders caused partition and is causing even today, in different connotations. May lord almighty instil enough confidence in more citizens and aware citizens bring more uprisings and send such selfish one to oblivion.

Elders can keep their family well aware about the rights and make them smart to form unions, forums, communities and help each other.

A well knit community is like  solid wall and can repel attacks.



hitler's aggression and USA's persuasion are international factor for India's independence. 


not by congress or selfish nehru who manipulated Gandhi and divide India. otherwise he is incompetant than jinaa.

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