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Aditya Raj (Owner)     11 May 2016

Website trademark

We are starting a new concept and have one more question regarding trademark.

Suppose, the brand name we are registering trademark is XYZ. We already bought the domain name So, should I also register trademark with Is it required?


 11 Replies

jyotirmaya behera (advocate)     19 May 2016

In trademark registration you have to explain each and everything and don’t miss a single word. What you want to register that should be specific and clear to understand to other.

Yes you have to register the again if you don’t registered by using your site other will get the benefit but you can not claim.


Jyotirmaya Prasad Behera


Orissa High Court


adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     25 May 2016

Registration of TM is mandatory to  enforce your rights given by law.


Indian Avenues (Consultant)     31 May 2016


If you have already registered the brand name under trade mark, its not mandatory to register the domain name again under trade mark.

You can do it, if you the necessary of it.


Sandeep (IndianAvenues)

+91 97380 56458

Aditya Raj (Owner)     31 May 2016

Thanks all for the replies. I will register only the Trade Mark as Brand only then.

Bhagya   04 June 2016


You can more understand the difference/relationship between domain name and trademark by reading the following blog post.


compliance   09 June 2016

If you want this you have to fill each and everything.

compliance   09 June 2016

If you want this you have to fill each and everything.

Aditya Raj (Owner)     07 July 2016

Thanks all for sharing such a wonderful information. 

I have one more question. If you can answer, that would be great.

I have already registered a trademark (class 35) which is related to Restaurants say by name XYZ.

Now, another company with name XYZ Alfa (another startup) is using similar name (with XYZ) but they are selling food items and have no trademark.

Now, to save my brand, which is the best option:

  1. I should also register another trademark (class 30) in the class which is of XYZ Alfa (other company using similar name)
  2. I should send them a notice and tell them to stop using that name.

Adv Mathew (Legal Advice)     29 August 2016

If you would like to register your trademark. Touch base with me at 9164599985.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     31 August 2016

Dear Client,

      For obtaining a trade mark you file an  Aplication with the local patent and trademark office?

No. You file an application to register a domain name with a registrar accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). A worldwide directory of ICANN-accredited domain name registrars and registrar contact information are available on tAANo. A trademark is not the same thing as a domain name. A trademark identifies goods or services from a particular source or of a defined quality. If a trademark owner would like to use its trademark as its domain name, the owner must purchase the domain name registration from an ICANN-accredited registrar.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     31 August 2016

Dear Client,

      For obtaining a trade mark you file an  Aplication with the local patent and trademark office?

No. You file an application to register a domain name with a registrar accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). A worldwide directory of ICANN-accredited domain name registrars and registrar contact information are available on tAANo. A trademark is not the same thing as a domain name. A trademark identifies goods or services from a particular source or of a defined quality. If a trademark owner would like to use its trademark as its domain name, the owner must purchase the domain name registration from an ICANN-accredited registrar.

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