What to do if a family court udge delays in giving judgement in divorce case, after everything is over in the case?
MrDinoMorea (O) 13 June 2014
What to do if a family court udge delays in giving judgement in divorce case, after everything is over in the case?
Gautam Kapoor (IT professional Studying Law) 14 June 2014
it is normal for the judge to wait for 1-4 weeks before delivering the final judgement.
MrDinoMorea (O) 16 June 2014
Originally posted by : Helping Hand ! | ||
Naacho........................... |
Adv k . mahesh (advocate) 16 June 2014
some time if any doubt or any more doubts required to finalize the judgement then the same case will appear again and if not also to pass judgement the judge will pass the judgement after reading all the particulars and verifying the documents only will pass the judgement and check in the court section office why is the delay as they will give the right answer