One of my client purchased Agrl.Land. Land originally belonged to one X, who is dead. He is survived by Wife, Two daughter and wife and 4 childern of predeceased son.
X entered into an agreement for sale of property with A, B, and C and gave GPA in repsect of property. X died during 1993-94. After the death of X wife and childern of his predeceased childern troubled the agreement holders. Agreement holders moved the Court for permanent injunction. The suit came to be decreed as compromised by filing a compromise petition. In the compromise petition the wife and childern of predeceased son of X said they have no right or title to the property.
During 2004-05 the wife and 3 Childern of precdeceased son of X sold the property to my client, without disclosing any thing. My clinet has since sold the property.
The agreement holders had sold property as residential sites. Now the purchasers of sites have filed suits praying for declaration. The wife of X and his daughters have also filed a suit claiming 3/4th share in the property. all the suits are pending to this day.
In this bacground whether the sale by client is legar and is there a valid transfer.