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Guest (n/a)     26 November 2008

Whether india follows common law or civil law?

Whether india follows common law or civil law?

 4 Replies

Adv.Shine Thomas (Advocate)     26 November 2008

India's legal system is based on common law,except in the state of Goa which retains the Portugues Civil Code.India's system of common law is a mixture of English law and the local Hindu law.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     26 November 2008

India has a written Coonstitution, but it follows the pattern of Justice administered in British Courts. Civil law system prevails in Continental countries.

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     27 November 2008

common law.

yogesh (will tell you later)     27 November 2008

Its very difficult to give exact explanation.because most of the laws are enacted before the partition where British law prevails and some repeals and ammendment are being made from time to time

Civil law which may comes under procedure as well as substantative law


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