Ranee....... (NA) 01 March 2013
Harsh (Manager) 02 March 2013
call me old fashioned, but after marriage it is not advisable to have such close friendship with the
opposite gender. similarly if a husband has a female as a close friend, the wife has every right to be
jealous and suspicious and it is quite natural. what is the need to be in such a friendship, where your
spouse not your confidant? especially if one spouse disapproves it.
looks like your friend values YOU more than his marriage.
obviously your friend's wife cant take much action - but it is quite possible that your closeness
has broken her home !
if you share your personal details with another guy, your husband may also not like it or get hurt.
it is up to the individuals, but broadmindedness has no limits and people will react differently.
i myself have seen so many of these modern girls who claim to be cool and have 'friends', but get jealous at the smallest offence by their love-interest !
ok enough of me. you help your friend to save or burn his house :)
Harsh (Manager) 02 March 2013
when it comes to PS and Court, even the best of your friends will desert you.
If you are showing so much interest and are so involved, it is indeed spooky