Have you been able to derive even a bit of some simple advice for your very simple problem out of different posts made by Mr. Kumar Doab as to what can be the precise remedy to your problem?
In fact, besides mqaking so much presumptions, he has suggested you an extraordinarily long \ route to teravel from the very beginning of your service till the end of service to make enormous calculations, as he stated, "Start from 1st year and look into leave eligibility, leave balance, leave C/F, for each yeat till LWD in last year, and service rules/conditions and rate of leave pay ( say Gross), rate of notice period ( say basic) and any other pay out, if any, that was to be computed."
Apparently he has made a bid merely to confuse you so much by complicating your issue by his altogether vague, wrong and irrelevant advice.
As usual in several other cases also, with his multiple posts, Mr. Kumar Doab has created utter confusion to make your problem much more complicated than providing any specific solution.
In other words, besides creating complication in your problem by misdirecting you with his wrong advice, he has tended merely to waste your time and energy by unnecessarily loading you with multiple pages of quite irrelevant junk material with the advice to read for yourself, irrespective of whether you are able to get any clue to solve your problem or not.
God knows with what of his hidden intention he has tried to misguide you towards a very wrong direction. It seems, instead of being an expert, he merely acts as a tout to some of the lawyers and complicates the issues to recommends the name of some lawyer just for earning some commission.
IN FACT, you cannot expect any legitimate advice from a person, who always appears with a fake identity, as he has not shown his real name, photo and location in his profile. He has very openly refused to come forward with his real identity (name, photo and place of his location) at his LCI profile, even on several repeated requests. EVEN IF YOU REQUEST HIM, YOU WILL SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT HE WON'T SHOW HIS FACE, NAME AND LOCATION. FOR EXPERIMENT SAKE, YOU MAY LIKE TO TRY AND ASK HIM TO UPDATE HIS PROFILE WITH HIS REAL NAME, PHOT AND PLACE OF LOCATION. I AM SURE, HE WON'T OBLIGE YOU.