Congratulations LCI.
A personal Note : My other friends, who have been sending messages to me asking why I am not appearing on the forum, thank you very much for so much of affection and concern with which you write to me.
It was not so much the restriction on me( our proverbial one hour restriction)--- though partially this was the reason-- that kept me away, but my own preoccupation with my work which involves a lot of travelling.
I am sorry to know that the restriction is slapped on Roshni also.
It is inconvenient for anyone who is under this sort of restriction:
people would have time to engage with this forum when they are relatively free and they would like to skim through the threads and would decide which thread they want to reply. If there is no such restriction, one would like to respond to threads of his /her interest in one sitting. It's inconvenient to wait for one hour...precisely because one has also to go about one's work.
Coming to what personally I gained form this forum:
1) some very good freinds and advisors
2) Excellent citations
3) I have also benefitted from various advice given to men on how to avaoid maintenance etc., how to silently collect evidence etc., to caution women who are fighting their battles in the court
3) Most interestingly I have seen a microcosm of the world of women and men and how they engage with one another and perceive one another, especially in Family forum
3) Learnt how a particular ideology is suppressed, and the methods of suppressing it. Going through recent threads , I have learnt how threads are converted into threats by someone called Sankat Mochan who seems to be one of the members of the core team of LCI but does not keep decorum required by a core team member. When we are in a core team we are more tolerant, more patient and have more skills of coordination with mutial respect than expected from other members.
I suppose this great occasion should be an occasion for celebrating constructive feedback so that the site can carry on its great work more efficiently.
I did greatly enjoy engaging in this forum and would like to be an active member, when time allows me.
I wish LCI all the very best and wish that this time of celebration can also leave some space for introspection on how to make the system more transparent and a little more impartial.
These are my personal views and they do not imply any disrespect to anyone.
Well done LCI and many congrats again...