Can a legal heir of a Testator, who is not a benificiary, be attesting witness to the will?
Bipin Gupta (Manager - Land & Legal Documentation) 25 March 2010
Can a legal heir of a Testator, who is not a benificiary, be attesting witness to the will?
A V Vishal (Advocate) 25 March 2010
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 25 March 2010
He can, but it is not better to sign as wittness to the will, 3rd person is better as a wittness to the will.
DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer) 25 March 2010
ashwinisavishnainwar (practicising as lawyer) 25 March 2010
it is optional to register a requried aileast two can write on any paper ,mental&physicalcondtion of maker was good it must mentioned in the will.
Suryanarayana Tangirala (Advocate) 31 March 2010
Of coz he can no bar as such
ashwinisavishnainwar (practicising as lawyer) 01 April 2010
yes there is no problem but when we prove that will there is one question why we not take independent person something is doutful when we prove that will
Arati Gawde ( Legal ) 01 April 2010
Yes, he can one of the witness out of two witness which is require in will.