First of all I could not accept that an adhoc limit of Rs. 1 lakh was given to you within a month of sanction. No Manager can give like that easily. When it was due in July, whether the same Manager was there or a new one came in?
As regards your issue, if the machinery is sent for repairs, why could you not convince the Manager showing the evidence? The act of the Manager is high-handed and illegal. He does not have any power to put locks all of the sudden that in when there is no pledge and only hypothecation. In case of hypothecation intervention of court is a must. You should not have allowed him to act like that. You should have taken immediate steps for redressal by complaining to the police or to the higher authorities of the Bank. How can he classify your account as NPA merely because certain machinery for which the bank did not finance is missing machinery. Were you maintaining sufficient stocks to comensurate with the drawing limit and sanctioned limits of cash credit? Whether the turnover was being routed through the account?
I am afraid you are hiding the facts. Come with full facts so that you can get a proper advice. If the same Manager who has sanctioned you cash credit limit in March 2013 and adhoc limit iwithin one month in April 2013 acted differently in a period of 3 months i.e., in July 2013, there must be strong reason. He might not have been paid the agreed bribe. Is it so?
Anyway, you go to the Regional Manager/Zonal Manager/Divisional Manager of the Bank with all relevant papers and explain that the action of the Bank is illegal and immediately Bank should withdraw the case and allow you to operate the account, otherwise you will file a Writ petition against the Bank in the concerned High Court as the action of Bank tantamount to infringement of your fundamental right.
Where do you reside? With which Bank & Branch you have account?
If you need further help contact me on my mobile 9490753458 if you wish so.