Q---under which law NOC is required , pls specify as far as my knowledge i am free to choose my lawyer.
ans- yes you are free to choose a lawyer . but if you want to change your old lawyer you will have to take permission from your old lawyer by mean of taking signature ON vakalatnama of your old lawyer and STATING that i have no objection (it is for sake of lawyer that you have cleared the all fees and expenses of your old lawyer ) .and this vakalatnaama will be filled by your new lawyer by putting his signature on that vakalatnama .NO CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED IN THIS REGARD .
any one who is party can plead his case without lawyer
yes in family court you can plead without the assistance of a lawyer .section 13 of the family court act favours the dispensation of the services of the lawyer and though family court may seek the assistance of legal expert .
it is written argument not written statement .
according to my knowledge it should be written statement .and all the evidence is tendered byv affidavits . and whereEVER is necessary a deponent can be orally examined by the judge . OK .