i am a tenant rented a residencial house. we had a written aggreement for a 11 months lease of the residential house. the period of aggreement is from 5th Jun 11 to 4th April 12. there was a clause that the agreement can not be cancelled three monhs before the expiry of the agreement period as a locking period. there was another clause that either party can serve a one month notice to vacate the house. now on 22nd aug 11, barely after 2 and half months, the landlord sent me a email to vacate the house within a month as he is planning to shift to his own house. right nw i am not ready to shift as i will be at outstation for a month from mid of sept to mid of oct and secondly if i had to shift , it will be my seond shifting in a span of 6 month. the last house where i was staying, i hade to vacate because the landlord came to stay in his own house. shifting a house is a big task and a big financial loss too. can i retain the house till the expiry of the agreement period overlooiking the one month notice period. plz advice my legal right as a tanant on this issue and maximum till what time i can stay in the house. secondly , an email - can it be consider as a legal notice??? plz let me know the entire process to avoid the eviction.