ch praja vidhan reddy 01 May 2020
Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108) 01 May 2020
1. It would be illegal to construct anything below High Tension Electricity wires /cables, more so since such HT wires form an Essential Service for Public purposes and the land is deemed acquired by the Co., and further it is a prosecutable offence on you.
2. Further you could not have successfuly run the Poultry Farm, under the HT wires, due to the constant static and radiation emitted from the HT wires and as it is the birds would have not survived.
3. You are advised to peacefully shift your construction (even if there are losses) to a side where there is no over-head HT wires, more so because you will never get permission from the electric co.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate) 03 May 2020
Dear Sir,
I agree with the opion of Expert Mr.Hemant Agarwal