As per above site of Government of India, applicability of factory act 1948 is defined as follows:
It applies to factories covered under the Factories Act, 1948. The industries in which ten (10) or more than ten workers are employed on any day of the preceeding twelve months and are engaged in manufacturing process being carried out with the aid of power or twenty or more than twenty workers are employed in manufacturing process being carried out without the aid of power, are covered under the provisions of this Act.
The query is : Does the factory act applicable to Sewage Pumping Stations? This is because there isn't any manufacturing process within the pumping station limit. At one hand, Station collects sewage and simply pumps it towards treatment plants. Therefore, substance both at input and output are same (sewage) and as it does not change its characteristics, I think this can not be accounted as manufacturing process.
It's a humble request to provide expert views from the people in and out of this field