Application dt.12th Jun, 2017 seeking information under RTI Act filed
Before: State Public Information Officer, DRO...............Rangareddy District
RTIFee: Adhesive Court fee stamp Rs.10/- Affixed on this application.
Subject: Shri.......................S/o...........................resident of....................Village, has applied for Agricultural land in 1992 under Political Sufferer quota in R.R District Hyderabad . Revenue Divisional officer vide his reference No...............dt.............. sent to MRO,................. requesting to find the availability of the land, Present status.
Information Solicited:
1.Please provide the present status and provide the copy of Response provided by MRO to DRO.
2.Also file application to MRO...............with slight modification and seek information as follows:
1.Please provide me action taken on DRO's orders (Ref No................dt..........................)
2.Inform the name of the employee, designation and full address who is responsible for implementing that instructions.