my brother is going to purchase a property from X. Meanwhile my brother is applying a home loan for the property. The loan process was over past 3 months. now the loan was sanctioned but stopped by Y. on behalf of legal notice sent to bank manager that the Y person was cheated by X issue of blank cheaque. subsequently the x person was borrowed a amount of Rs. 2 lacs from Y's Father not from Y. Now the Y's father was dead. He ( x ) didnt gave any bond papers or pronote etc. NOTE : THE " Y " HAS NO EVIDENCE OF MR Y's Father (Varisu Certificate) The case was already in the court which was suit by MR.Y's father.
1. i want to know whether the person Y can attach the property.
2. whether they can get stay order or not?
3. whether they can create a fake document to get a stay order?