Wife has alienated herself (and her kids also) from her husband.
Husband was suspended from the job due to alleged subordination and the he took a private job. There too he repeated the story.
Wife is also a working woman and wants to divorce this husband. Wants to approach court with above fact as mental cruelty due to public humiliation caused owing to such disgraceful 'state' the husband is in although thenquiry against husband are still going on...nothing is proved as yet
Charges against husband were..........subordination, neglect of duties, incompetancy to function, misuse of authority, misappropriation etc in the auditing etc
Husband is saying he has been 'set-up' by his colleagues etc, and fighting the cases for many years now. Husband is jobless as the past haunts him and gives up the jobs.
Husband monetarily not very well-off, but living on savings & income from farming which is barely enough but not sufficient in view of inflation etc. That's why wife can't take this financial stress & humiliation owing to public disreputation that the husband received. And wants to break the marriage.
Should she go to court with above as 'mental cruelty'? Is he not capable as a husband? For her kids better future, she wants to move out of marriage.
Any similar citation on mental cruelty.
It is clear that this guy is really a useless baffoon.