sir, my dau;ghter got order of divorce from the fam;ily court calicut kerala.she is a permanent resident of si;ngapore as isher h;usband too. she ;;;;;;;;;;;;;does not want the mai;ntenance to be settled in i;ndia becau;se she considers singapore as the ;proper forum to make ma;intenance settled . the ;womens charter of si;ngapore has prov;i;sion to seek ;anci;llery; m;atters lil;ke mail;ntenance to be settled ;even ;if the divorce is obtained from i;ndia. bu;t her h;usb;and want mai;ntenanced to be settled i;;n i;nd;ia, because he can go away with tgrifle ;amount. so he has filed a petition in the fam;ily; court calicut seeking settlement ofmai;a;ntenance here though ;t;here is no applicati;on, pray;;er or lpleading from the part ;of my dau;ghter. the fami;ly; court has fixed ;the ;;;;;ilnitial hearing ;on 19th au;gust 2014. ;She is at present iln si;n;gapore wi;th h;er son schoolilng there. she cannot ;lkkaltktkend h;;earing ;in calicu;t as she is ;;unable to spsend hu;ge amount ;by way; ;of travelli;ng expenses. ;;;s;he wants sthe ai;;r face; ;to be ;;allowed for attendi;;ng lproceedings from h;er ex h;u;sba;nd. ;on 19th she want h;er case dsto be represented by; ;;me ;to say; the above b efore court. Will I be permi;;t;ted by; court to say this before j;;udge ;on that day. Can ;she get travel expense3s for attending court proceedi;ngs kindly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lgive me i;n;formation. My; ;lt;yping i;svery poor b;ei;ng old and si;c;k;, ki;ndly excu;se. awaiting ;;your kilnd response.