after indipendance our old crpc is changed and we got our new new crpc in 1973. new crpc is just the opposite of old crpc. in old crpc there are both just and unjust provision. in new crpc, the unjust provisions becomes just but just provisions become unjust.
there are 2 just provision in old crpc:
1] judiciary and executive are joined like head and body. the major benefit of this kind of provision is that the order of court can be implemented immadietly and police should not be pressurized by political leaders.
now when judiciary is separated from executive in new crpc like separating head from body, order of court cannot be implemented quickly. there is no justice in society. justice is dead.
2] provision of retrial: if there is any miscarriage of justice, the case can be opened for retrial. this provision is also withdrawn in new crpc resulting in massive miscarriage of justice.
so you see dear reader how our crpc is designed to kill justice from the day of its birth. dull head, brainless politicians who do not understand the meaning of the provision and its impact on life design inhuman crpc to be followed by us.
today our problem lies in our foundation.