My date of birth is October 17, 1938. I am 78 years old. I recently got Green Card in USA. The details are as follows: 1. My wife & me got Green Card wef September 20, 2016. That means we were in India for less than 182 days during 2016-17. 2.Out stay details in India in the last few years from 2010-11 are as follows: (a) During 2010-11: Stay in India -all 365 days (b). During 2011-12: Stay in India-all 366 days (c). During 2012-13: Stay in India- only 173 days (d). During 2013-14: Stay in India-200 days (e). During 2014-15: Stay in India- 180 days (f). During 2015-16: Stay in India-366 days (g). During 2016-17; Stay in India- 173 days (Same is mentioned in serial no: 1 above.) Can you please explain how my NRI status for 2016-17 is interpretated in view of " To qualify as a resident Indian, an individual should have spent 182 days or more of a financial year in India, or stayed in India for 60 days or more in the year and for a period of 365 days or more in the 4 years preceding the relevant financial year.". Though I have stayed less than 182 days in India, Am I not satisfying the other condition to be Resident during 2016-17? Pl clarify?