I(online seller) used a delhivery courier service to ship the items to my customer. The delhivery courier sent invoices and fee were too high and overcharging us. After exchanging many emails with their support team,they are not trying to help.Just diverting the issue. They are asking proof for dimensions. We dont have any picture for it.
Total pending due is 8000inr. But actual could be less than this.
1.Delhivery courier sent all invoices at once,so first invoice was very late( 4 months later If they had sent earlier,we would have stopped using them).
2.Delhivery courier calculate fee based on volumetric weight,so They are overstating the dimensions more than actual ,so courier fee was high. example,If i used professional courier they fee would be 130rs.But delhivery courier are charging us more than 300rs.
3.Delhivery courier agreed to offer express service so they mentioned fuel surcharge. But non of the parcels went by air ,all parcels they despatched via surface only. In the invoice they are charging etc 25% for fuel.
How can i resolve this if they send legal notice?
Can i pay first and then file a suit against them in the consumer court ?