Hi All
I'm planning to buy a property in auction and I had made enough research and finally locked down on a property, but I'm scared to buy the property. Below are the doubts I have please help in clearing the doubts.
1. What the documents that need to be checked before paying the EMD amount? Do banks provide Document Registration number or Land Details so that I can verify online for any Encumbrances?
2. What is the process to be followed after successful biding and payment of total bid amount,
3. How long will it take for the physical possession and transfer of ownership to my name
4. What are the rights I possess as a successful bidder for the property if there are any legal litigation how I should address/tackle them
Thanks for your patience in reading this long question and It will be of a immense help to me if these doubts gets cleared. Uploaded is the auction property image by bank that I had shortlisted