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Amitava Dasgupta   26 August 2015

Renting apartment to foreigner


I am about to rent out my apartment in Hyderabad to a foreign (Chinese) national. What doucments I need to see / what precautions should I take from the legal perspective?

I have an OCI and currently residing in USA (if that has any legal consequence).

Thanks in advance,


 1 Replies

Adv Rohit Dalmia 9324538481 (Lawyer)     26 August 2015

You need to obtain his passport and visa copy, if he is employed by an Indian Company/Organization then the Letter of Appointment and confirmation letter from that company/organization. ou also require to enter into leave and license agreement with that india company/organization for giving the premises on leave and license basis to the foreign national. also inform the local police station about giving your premises on leave and license basis to the foreign national alsong with the copy of the agreement and documents.



Adv. Rohit Dalmia


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