Hi All,
I require help regarding anticipatory bail. I got following order in anticipatory bail application.
I don't want to involved my relatives for surety. Please let me know other way to give P.R. bond.
May I give FD of 15,000/- INR as a PR bond in police station?.. Please let me know best way to get anticipatory bail as per court order.
When I discussed with my advocate, he told me that only in person surety which have property more 15,000/- INR will consider in police station. We got anticipatory bail for three folks. So he told me to bring three person who have property/salary/Annual income more than 15,000/- INR. I don’t like to beg in front of relatives or friends for anticipatory bail.
Please read below given court and let me know best option. I got anticipatory bail in 498A case.
Anticipatory Bail Court Order :-
Application is allowed.
The interim relief of releasing the applicants, in the
event of arrest, on furnishing sureties of Rs. 15,000/each
and P.R.bonds of like amounts is confirmed .
Applicant no.1 shall attend the concerned police
station as and when required by the I.O.under written