1. Get out as fast as possible from a Legal Forum and enjoy your youth.
2. Education (vocational studies) will help oneself in standing on ones own feet in today's competitive / expecting world.
3. Set priorities in life what comes first; a self relience (job with independent income) and or a cameleon husband or both or lifes' important steps as one pleases !
4. Trust mentoring by seeing oneself as your mentor; a person who has seen the world better than you and seek the mentors neutral guidence on important decision of your life.
5. Take a bold calulated step outside four broken walls with wide open eyes minus rainbow glasses on, you will be all right.
6. Your four broken walls is makign you feel getting older otherwise the outside world is still young at heart, start beliving in yourself so you will start feeling it too and life's horizon will change............
7. Start (24 X 7) practising ISHQ ha ha
I = Initiative (a point comes when one has to show initiative in life)
S = Speed (with initiative speed follows in life)
H = Horizon (with initiative and speed with you, your worldy horizon exapands in day-to-day life)
Q = Quality (with initiative, speed and experiencing the wide horizon, quality of once life improves)
All the best..........
PS. So afterall this was your first question ;-?