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to file suit for declaration that a person has not been heard for so many years.

(Querist) 16 August 2015 This query is : Resolved 
i am practicing advocate in kancheepuram district, i Have file case regarding a person who is govt servent ,has not been heared for somany years, and his wfe is claiming death benefits ,and she got an FIR that such person cant be traceable. so i need perfect model suit to file before certain court, so kindly help me in this regard.
i need model copy of Revenue recovery act to claim mainataiance for wife against husband property.
Thankimg you
Guest (Expert) 16 August 2015
To Declare a Missing Person As Dead 7 years should be completed from the date of Disappearance.First Apply and Obtain Declaration Of Death and Succession Certificate In the Court.And all other Procedures would be Simplified.Consult and Seek Assistance of a Local Good Senior Advocate.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 16 August 2015
Follow the advise.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 August 2015
Search local law librery for model copy of Revenue recovery act or search internet.
Guest (Expert) 17 August 2015
It is Very Difficult to Find the Meaning of LIB RERY in Dictionery
R.K Nanda (Expert) 17 August 2015
search google.
Guest (Expert) 17 August 2015
Mr.R.K.Nanda Even in Google I am Not Able To Find the Meaning of Lib Rery Please

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