Honorable All learned Advocates,
Thanks for all your earlier invaluable advice's.I am seeking one more advice from you on below described matter.
The brief facts:
1. Joined AT 24 July 2023 at Bangalore location with designation embedded engineer to an IT Company having 15000+ head count...
2. Got cross skilled project.
3. Worked in project till 30 Nov 2023.
4. Project manager extended probation period for 3 month without any information and discussion, even though it was clearly mentioned that same will be clearly informed to candidate.
5. Variable pay was only after successful completion of probation period.
6.After 9 moths i.e. on April 2024 when other manager called for appraisal discussion, no information candidate were having.
7. April 2024 manager checked with HR and then came to know about the Probation had been extended without any information and discussion.
8. In new project started from January 2024, several times late night and weekend working were there, when asked for only compensatory off , denied with lame excuses.
9. Relived from second project on 21 Nov 2024.
10. They didn't find any suitable opportunity till 25 Feb 2025.
11. On 25 Feb 2025 they scheduled the meeting with HR on 26 Feb 2025.
12. In 26 Feb 2025 HR meeting mobile was asked to give on reception.
13. Discussion major outcome was
i. No matching skill project available.
ii. Kindly put down papers.
iii. We will provide Rejoin option when if your skill project available, 2 month notice, medical insurance Extension upto 3 months, 15 Days salary and vacation paid, if you resign today else in termination.
iv. We will make Last Working Day on 26 Feb 2025.
v. I requested following:
A. Kindly set Last Working Day on 26.04.2025 as per two month notice - Policy don't allow.
B. Kindly allow me day or two to think and come back to me - Cant do.
C. Asked to put down during meeting but when asked , Please don't force me for the same..then given End Of Day of 26 Feb 2025 time.
14. But during the thought , I left office, and mailed to HR about recovering of Variable paid during year, which were replied by HR on 26 Feb 2025 at 19.40.
15. On 27 Feb 2025 at 23.10, I was not feeling well and informed HR about same and applied sick leave in the system.
16. On 27 Feb 2025, they sent the termination mail at 15.40, stating uninformed leaves and didn't resign on 26 Feb 2025.
17. On 27 Feb 2025 at 23.10 night resigned in system thinking to request to convert into clean exit and requested HR to convert it into clean exit stating future career aspects will be highly impacted.
18. On 28 Feb 2025, again requested HR to convert into clean exit.
19. On 28 Feb 2025 HR converted into clean exit.
20. 28 Feb 2025 finished all formalities i.e. surrendering the ID cards and laptop.
Kindly suggest on following:
1. What should I do here ?
2. Offer letter mentioned jurisdiction is at Hyderabad and I am staying at Bangalore and company working location were too at Bangalore.
Based on following violation
1. Offer letter state that information of probation extension will be provided and they didn't do, when I escalated the issue they confirmed the job after 9 months.
2. No compensatory off against weekend working even on request and denied with several lame reasons like result of work.
Can i not say, as the agreement has been already violated by you hence for me also the same condition is not applicable hence putting matter into Bangalore jurisdiction ?
By any remedy, I want to bring jurisdiction at Bangalore as to put up matter in Hyderabad while staying at Bangalore will be extremely challenging.
Please advice on above.
My Mother worked as a government teacher in tamil nadu and she was died in 2016. I Applied for the compassionate grounds within three years limit. They accepted my application in 2019 and told that your name was in the seniority list. Now, They rejected my application stating that father's pension is exceeding the limit of 3 Lakhs as Per New G.O.
What Should I do Now?
Respected all, i am retired from a central govt organisation. Though iam eligible for PENSION, without listening to me and orders available forcibly superannuated on CPF base. While i was in service, upon instructions of chief executive, instructed chief administrative officer(CAO) of my unit to prepare file notings on actual grounds basis. Accordingly upon thorough verification of my records issued a letter by CAO recommending me for grant of pension. Later this letter has gone through accounts wing and finally has the approval of my general manager. I filed a case in CAT,HYDERABAD and won the case in my favour. CAT judgement is based on recommendations of CAO and directed the deptt to complete the process within 60 days from the date of CAT ORDER (04.06.24). Meanwhile i complained to DPPW, and accordingly even DPPW issued its recommendations in my favour. Even after 8 months about to complete from the judgement, no reply from my deptt. Finally i filed contempt petition which is in live. I am a senior citizen of 63 years age. My question is why this much of delay from deptt. Pl guide
Respected Learned Expert(s), I am a Central Government employee and was under deemed suspension from 03.07.2008 to 30.04.2009 due to a CBI - ACB case. The suspension was revoked on 01.04.2009 without any order on the treatment of suspension as criminal case was pending against me. The criminal case was ended with an order of acquittal on 28.10.2011. However, I was compulsorily retired on 25.01.2017 followed by departmental proceedings. The department has passed an order treating the suspension period as not spent on duty in 2015. The order was challenged by me before the CAT and the CAT has ordered to treat the period of suspension on duty for all purposes. Aggrieved by the order of the CAT, the department has filed a Writ Petition in 2022 and WP was disposed with direction to pass necessary order to regularize the period of suspension, as duty period or on leave or otherwise. The department has now passed an order which read as "shall be be converted into leave of any kind due and admissible as per FR 54-B(7) read with FR 54-B(5)". I had retired on 25.01.2017 itself and my EL and HPL has been enchased. How can the department can now convert the period of suspension into leave of any kind. I request the Learned Experts kindly to clarify whether I am eligible for pay and allowances during the period of suspension and yearly increment arrears. Thanks to all Learned Experts in anticipation.,
Respected Learned Experts, I am a Central Government Servant governed by CCS Rules. I am entitled for MACP benefits in 2008 itself. I had faced two criminal cases in the year 2009 and 2010 (cognizance taken by the court) and one departmental enquiry in 2011. In 2009 case, I was acquitted and 2010 case, I was convicted for which an appeal is lying before the High Court. Before conviction in 2010 case, I was imposed with the penalty of compulsory retirment in the departmental enquiry in the year 2017. My MACP benefits refused by the department in August 2024 citing the above cases. All these cases were occured subsequent to my date of entitlement of MACP. Hence, I had filed an OA before the Central Administrative Tribunal and appearing as Party In-person. The tribunal is questioning the delay. I had filed OA within two months of the receipt of the department order. However, the Tribunal is observing the the cause of action araised in 2008 itself, it is too late to admit the OA. Becuse of the refusal of MACP, my salary and pension receiving right now is affected and therefore it has a recurring nature of injustice. The Tribunal adjourned the case with direction to file the reasons for the delay from 2008 onwards. Kindly guide me whether the cause of action arise from the due date of elgibility of MACP or from the date of the order passed by the department? Please also clarify whether I have any immunity on the basis of the recurring loss in mopnthly pension which I presume has resulted in creating fresh cause of action every month?
As I am appearing as Party In person, I request the Hon'ble Forum kindly to guide in the matter and judgment if any in the matter may also be shared please.
Thanks in anticipation.
Have been working as an Accountant in a Private limited company from last 23 years. Employer has not paid me salary for the month of November as on 06.01.2025 & December-24 salary has also become due. When approached bosses, they give excuses of insufficient funds in bank accounts & aren't paying my salary. I don't understand what to do.. Kindly help !
Hello Sir
I am seeking advice regarding the forced resignation without giving the notice. what will be relevant law under which we can register the complaint
Respected Sir,
1) My friend is central governmennt employee. He went to avail lunch break in due time, but security staff resisted him since lunch memorandum was not given to security staff by head of department.
2) Upon verbal request my friend went out from office in schedule lunch time & come back in due time.
3) After some days security staff lodge a complaint that my friend had been avail lunch & went home forcefully & it is against security rule.
4) Department issued show cause letter to my friend & my friend has stated that since head of f
department forgotten to sent lunch memorandum in due time, hence my friend went to home in schedule lunch time upon verbal request to security staff.
5) Being dissatisfied of above reply, the department ask my friend for representation of fact.
6) In reply my friend stated the facts.
7)Thereafter without any Court of Inquiry, depatment proceed for punishment againt my friend under rule 16 of CCS Conduct Rule, the department also stated that (in weiting) since accused did not requested for Court of Inquiry (COI), hence COI is not necessary.
Can my frend approach CAT for wrongful proceeding against him?
Stop punishment.
I have been convicted for drunk and drive in 2019. I have recently applied for UPSC civil services. Do in need to declare Yes in the attestation form when asked whether i am fined by a court of law. I have a general order copy downloaded from the court website which does not mention my name.
Treatment of suspension period as eol - reg.
Respected Learned Experts, I am a retired central government servant. During my service, I was suspended for a period 272 days for a criminal case. The trial court has acquitted me under benefit of doubt. In departmental enquiry, I was imposed with compulsory retirement. The order of suspension was deemed suspension as I had been imprisoned exceeding 48 hours. After the order of the acquittal, I had applied for regularization of suspension period which was turned down as treated as not in duty. I had challenged the order before the CAT and the CAT has set aside the order, directed the department to regularize the period of suspension under the rules applicable. Now after my retirement my department has regularised the suspension period as EOL under FR-54B(7). Whether I am eligible for any monetary benefits such as annual increments, revision of pensionary benefits based on the order passed. I am a senior citizen and I don't want to proceed further with legal battles. My query restricted to the eligibility of any monetary benefits based on the order passed. The order is silent about this. With utmost respect and advance thanks, I pray the Experts to clarify the issue please.