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About service bond on study leave

(Querist) 24 February 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I joined one of the engineering college (self-financed, run by trust, affiliated to Govt university and approved by AICTE) on 3rd of Oct 2001 as an ad-hoc lecturer, and got permanent post on 1st of Feb. 2003. On September 2003.
I went for further study on the basis of study leave approved by institute for the two years for my master of engineering. I have been compelled to sign bond for the same and the bond period was 5 years and some penalty amount. At that time I opposed to sign it but as Master course is compulsory for me and hence I had to sign the bond, which was changed drastically with my case only in comparison to my seniors who did masters on the same condition.
After coming back from the master course I joined the institute and worked for another 3 and half years with full involvement. During this time again to progress further I joined external basis Ph.D with NOC from institute. Suddenly after six month again the management of the institute gave me in writing to give another bond of 7 years for Ph.D course. I denied as already with their approval only I started Ph.D. They started to threaten me and hence I left institute by giving three months notice time resignation. Albeit they have not given me salary of this period and when I asked for the same they said it is taken against the bond. Now after that they have filed a case against me in civil court claiming the bond amount ( salary of 2 years + interest+ 5 lakhs penalty).
Few facts are
1. As per the University rules for study leave ( ordinance and statutes) maximum time period of bond is three years so can my management take bod higher than that? Can they are having power to change the rules of service matter?
2. They have also not given service book of any employee and when we demanded they denied. So whom to complain about this?
3. What will be my next step as per your guidelines?
4. My advocate is not having this much knowledge of service mater so is it possible to meet you to discuss further?
5. What about my salary for the three months which was not given to me and shown in my Form-16. I am having proof that salary not deposited in my account.
RAJU O.F., (Expert) 25 February 2013
Better approach an advocate practicing labour law matters.
siddharth (Querist) 25 February 2013
Sir, Can you suggest me the name.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 February 2013
SInc ethey have filed case. You jut have to defend and demand your slary for three months. You can file independent ccase in the same court which can beheard to gather. Let them be defeated.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 March 2013
Well advised by experts on the subject.
siddharth (Querist) 06 March 2013
Sir is it possible to demand my salary in civil court? or should i go in tribunal court.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 18 June 2018
I agree with Raj Kumar Makkad
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 18 June 2018
I agree with Raj Kumar Makkad
Guest (Expert) 18 June 2018
So, you agree with an expert, who agreed on some other's advice, as you said "I agree with Raj Kumar Makkad,", while he appreciated some other's advice, not given any of his advice?
Guest (Expert) 18 June 2018
So, you agree with an expert, who agreed on some other's advice, as you said "I agree with Raj Kumar Makkad,", while he appreciated some other's advice, not given any of his advice?
Guest (Expert) 18 June 2018
So, you agree with an expert, who agreed on some other's advice, as you said "I agree with Raj Kumar Makkad,", while he appreciated some other's advice, not given any of his advice?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 19 June 2018
not understood the need to resume debate after 5 years
Guest (Expert) 19 June 2018
If not understood, to understand, you may ask the expert, who preferred to open the thread after 5 years of resolving the query. May be, she would have provided some extraordinary & exemplary solution.

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