Adoption deed format
Gururja Rao
(Querist) 02 May 2008
This query is : Resolved
My friend who is Hindu intending to adopt a boy aged about 13 years of his friend, but however he has got a real son out of his wed lock, Now I want to Know "whether in survival of real son can my friend adopt a new child", if yes kindly provide me a format of Adoption deed and kindly Instruct me the legal steps to be taken for valid adoption and also stampduty payable for registration of Adoption deed.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 03 May 2008
sorry he can not adopt......he is already having a legitimate and living son so legally he cann't do it.
Rahul R. Samant
(Expert) 06 May 2008
As per the Hindu Adoption and Maintainance Act, 1956, Section 11 (1)there is bar to adopt a son if he has allready legitimate son.
So so sorry to say you that you can not adopt that boy.