Advocate logo

Querist :
(Querist) 03 January 2021
This query is : Resolved
Can my family member use the advocate logo? Can I paste the logo on more than one vehicle?

(Expert) 03 January 2021
Visit your concerned Bar Councli and apply for the Advocate Sticker submitting Bar Council Enrollment Proofs and the Copy of the RC Book of the Vehicle in your name and pay the required Fee and the Bar Council would Provide the Sticker with Bar Council detail and the Vehicle No and Only that would be Legally acceptable as Advocate Sticker to avail the entry even in Courts. Other Stickers which were sold could be used by any one but it will not be Legally Acceptable.
P. Venu
(Expert) 04 January 2021
To my knowledge, advocate's logo is an informal, may be longstanding and widely accepted, arrangement. The sanctity of advocates sticker has been the subject of animated discussion in the Madras High Court. Please visit .

(Expert) 04 January 2021
P.Venu --- informal means Un official

(Expert) 04 January 2021
Vehicle Stickers issued by Bar Council is Official Stickers and Formal and parking in side the courts would be given on priority. As an Govt officer Retired P.Venu do not know about Govt Passes given to Govt Vehicles.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 05 January 2021
The car / vehicle stickers are provided by concerned Bar Association to its members.

(Expert) 05 January 2021
P.Venu Retd Govt Officer -- your effort to prove your extra ordinary brilliance is of no use when it sounds with out any basic knowledge. Have you ever visited Bar Council for any reason Obviously it would be No and Better visit and verify with your state's Bar Council (Here Nothing is discussed about any Bar Association as mentioned by Retd Govt Officer P Venu ) to know about Advocate's Car Stickers issued by Bar Council and then come back here. Better " Go Now and Come Tomorrow.! "

(Expert) 05 January 2021
John McCarthy -- American Politician-- Foolishness is rarely a matter of lack of intelligence or even lack of information.

(Expert) 05 January 2021
Insults -- are the resort of Insecure People with an Crumbling Position trying to appear Confident.--Moonlah Path Tumblr
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 05 January 2021
Advocate logo is meant for advocates. Family members if are Advocates may use.
In some states any mark like Advocate, doctors, member of political party is prohibited on vehicles.
You can use logo on vehicle if otherwise not prohibited.

(Expert) 05 January 2021
Punjab and Haryana High Court on 25th Jan 2020 had banned designation /description of Office ( including HC, Army, Police, Doctor, Journalist etc ) unauthorized emblems of all vehicles has been prohibited. The Court How Ever Clarified that the Ban will not apply on Parking Stickers issued by different Organisations and Entities.
P. Venu
(Expert) 05 January 2021
Admittedly, you have no information or knowledge to share on the issue. Thanks.

(Expert) 06 January 2021
" Just now I've noticed that you are Mentally Retarded . Take Care".-- Christy Leigh Stewart.--Quote -applicable --PV.
Raghav Arora
(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr. N.J.S Rajkumar - Alias Narasimha, you are requested not to use the kind of language being used in the post. This forum is not about putting others down. In case you are of the opinion that another expert or querist is not sure of the answer he has posted, kindly let them learn from you. Pin pointing and calling out goes against the sanctity and object of the LAWyersClubIndia forum.
Please consider this as the first and last warning to this account.
Have a nice and peaceful day!

(Expert) 08 January 2021
" Fake People have an Image to maintain , Real Just Dont Care "--- Mr.Raghav Arogara --- you had Enrolled here From 17th Dec --2019 as Member and what made you and what is the reason for Posting this Qyery as an Anonymous --Please.

(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr.Raghav Arogars--" Silence is the Best Reply to Fools " --- Imam Ali (AS) But here the Idiots who could Fool others had to be Taught an Lesson.

(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr.Raghav Arogara -- " No man is above Law and No man is below it:: Nor do we ask any one's Permission when we require him to Obey it >""

(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr.Raghav Arogara -- Pasting the Advocate Stickers in your Family Members Vehicles are Illegal. Remember the Lawyers should Command Respect and Not Demand it. When the Police asks it is the Duty of the Person who is travelling in the Vehicle with Advocate Stickers to Show their Bar Council ID to the Police for Verification. Whether All your Family People are Advocates then Do it Or Just dont do an illegal activity and this is not the place to encourage YOUR illegal activities.

(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr.Raghav Arogara -- Please Confirm whether you are an Advocate. An Learned Advocate will not raise an such an illegal Query. On 15 Dec 2020 the Madras-- Madurai Bench of Honorable Justice N.Kirubakaran and Justice B.Raghunath while dealing with an Petition alleging the Misuse of Advocate Stickers advised Concerned Bar Councils to mandate only Advocates uses the Stickers and not others and It is Dangerous to Note Even Criminals are Using Advocate Stickers in the Vehicles for their Criminal Activities.

(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr.Raghav Arogara -- Would you Please Explain Your Real Intention of Pasting the Advocate Stickers in the Vehicles of Non -- Advocates your Family Members. Please -- Explain
Raghav Arora
(Expert) 08 January 2021
Mr. Rajkumar - "Any member of the forum who acts against the object and sanctity of LAWyersClubIndia by using derogatory words against any other participant on the forum shall be liable to be permanently or temporarily blocked / removed from the forum and from carrying on such activity on the Forums. The decision of the moderator shall be final." - LAWyersClubIndia!
1. I am not the querist here.
2. Yes, I am an advocate.
3. Even if the querist is an advocate he has all the right to ask whatever question he needs an answer to. Everyone does not know the answer to everything.
4. You are in no capacity to pacify others by insulting them.
Being the moderator on the forum, I officially Request / Advise / Warn you against repeating the same episode on LAWyersClubIndia forums.
No dialogue in the same current shall be entertained post this.
Thanks Again!

(Expert) 09 January 2021
Raghav Arogara bhai--- No Qualified Learned Advocate would hide him self and would post the Query Posing as Anonymous. Raghav Arora had posted this Query and Hiding him self which exposes his nature ., Character and lack of Ethics

(Expert) 09 January 2021
Raghav Arogara-- Remember Any Family Members should not Misuse the Advocate Logo and it would be an Offence Please.

(Expert) 09 January 2021
" Hypocrites get Offended by Truth " -- Jess. C. Scott.
P. Venu
(Expert) 22 January 2021
The following information have been sought from the Bar Council of India under the provisions of the Right to Information Act:
1. Has the Bar Council of India or the State Bar Councils designed and approved any logo for use of advocates in their vehicles etc.? If so, please provide a photocopy of the same.
2.Has Bar Council of India or the State Bar Councils notified any rules or issued any circulars/instructions authorizing the State Bar Councils and Local Bar Associations to issue stickers with the Advocates Logo, so designed and approved?
3.If so, please provide copies of the Rules so notified and instructions/circulars so issued.

(Expert) 23 January 2021
No Use of arguing with Ignorant which will not benefit any one n any way.

(Expert) 23 January 2021
Any how Refer the ---- Bar Council Resolution 369 of 2019 -- basing on this ---On Nov 1st 2020 the Bar Council had even requested the Police to take necessary action against those affixing the Stickers unauthorizedly in Private Vehicles.

(Expert) 23 January 2021
As per the Resolution mentioned above the Bar Council had decided to file Police Complaints thro its Presidents and Secretary of All the State Bar Councils in Concerned Police against the Misuse of Such Advocate Stickers by Others.

(Expert) 23 January 2021
There are also Prescribed Forms available in Concerned Bar Council " Application Form for Advocates Vehicle Stickers " which would require to Comply the details of Advocates Name, Enrollments in Bar Council Details, Vehicle Owned by the Advocate proof and details Etc in that.

(Expert) 23 January 2021
Only the Advocates Vehicles/ Cars with Supreme Court Bar Association -- SCBA -- Stickers would be allowed in to Supreme Court of India --