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agitation by lawyers

(Querist) 02 March 2009 This query is : Resolved 
can anybody please tell why there is agitation by lawyers on crpc amendment?
AEJAZ AHMED (Expert) 03 March 2009
Dear Abhay,

Kindly go throug these sites:
anish arora (Expert) 03 March 2009
Cr.P.C. amendments means it is discretionary of the police to accept bails in cases upto improsnment of 7 years .why discretion one point is this , either it should be for everyone or no. otherwise rich will bribe and get bail at police station and what about poor.
the other contention was bad elements will not afraid of law as they will get bail in police station only where in cases imprisonment is upto 7 years
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 03 March 2009
The time will tell what is the real effect of the amendment.
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 03 March 2009
I agree with Mr. Palnitkar.
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 04 March 2009
Giving powers to police is always dangerous as our police is meant for suppression of the truth. Not their fault but they trained for that. An over all change in the police system will not be achieved by the present training programme. In this circumstances any change which rests the justice and fairness in the hands of Indian Police suicidal.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 05 March 2009
The new amendment is totally anti-people and gives leagal protecton to criminals
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 06 March 2009
I agree with S/shree Palnitkar and KC Suresh. However, it is also important to delink the police totally from the political masters if independent and transparent working is to be ensured in the police administration.
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 07 March 2009
i agree with my learned friends
MANISH (Expert) 15 March 2009
I agree with all of my Learned friends.
The next thing I wish to add is :
Even Police may work well, that will also be fine, now the only thing that remains is about the dispensation of justice.
Most of the times, the criminals go scot-free, and even the innocent are harassed due to long span of trials in cases.
The other most appropriate way to tackle with crime is dispensation of justice as soon as possible, so that the guilty may be punished and the innocent may not be harassed for a long time.
By doing this, every criminal shall fear from Law, as he will be punished very soon and no delay in cases, and the bail shall not last for long.

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