Basis of Maintenance Charges-Row Houses in a CHS in Mumbai
M S Prabhakar
(Querist) 17 April 2010
This query is : Open
What should be the basis for maintenance charges to Row Houses (RHs) in a CHS which has a mix of both flats and RHs? Should it be based on:
(1) BMC Approved Plan?
(2) Sale Agreement executed between the builder and buyer?
(3) BMC municipal tax assessment, or
(4) any other?
Each row house has been sold under two separate agreements (identified as 101 and 201 respectively) between the builder and the buyer(s). In some cases, owners of 101 and 201 are the same individual(s); in some cases, they are different.
The builder has not yet submitted the BMC approved plan of the RHs to the CHS management. Under these circumstances, how should the maintenance be charged?
In one of the cases of dispute, both units (101 and 201) are held by the same individual(s). The individual(s) claim that although the sale agreements are two, both units are interconnected inside the RH (ground and 1st floor plans of the same RH) and that it's occupied by the same family. Hence it's claimed that the RH be treated as one unit for CHS maintenance cost calculations and accordingly the billing has to be one, not two.
Please advise.