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(Querist) 30 June 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, we r mazdoor sangh & our industry was clsoed down in yr.2006 without giving any notice & now the company moved to BIFR, our wages r remain, whether their any judgment or order against such company which curtail our rights....!!!! waiting in ur kind reply as we want to file the same... thank u in anticipation
V.Harikrishnan (Expert) 30 June 2011
Dear Mr.Chandak
Please implead your mazdoor sangh as a party to the proceedings before the BIFR. Before the BIFR you should give in writing in detail the dues to be paid to the workers under different heads.
With regards
Harish K. Chandak (Querist) 01 July 2011
thank u sir,
sir i had mention all the things but how to represent at BIFR i dont know as we r not hire any expert could we do by our own representation & in which way, written or oral.
shrikant (Expert) 01 July 2011
contact & take assistance of local lawyer
Ajay Bansal (Expert) 01 July 2011
As advised above.
Kirti Kar Tripathi (Expert) 03 July 2011
My advise is that employees should apply for implement in BIFR proceedings immediately for their dues. However,the have right to approach before the State Labour Department for remedy and the labour department is under legal obligation to take necessary action and recourse under the various labour acts. In case,labour department do not response or take any action,employees can approach High Court.
Harish K. Chandak (Querist) 06 July 2011
thanks a lot sir

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